Termites are also known as white ants. Termite proofing is the treatment given to a building, to control or prevent the termite growth in the building. The termites enter into buildings through cracks, walls, pipes floor joints, etc. Once termites develop in the building area, it is very difficult and costly to finish. Termite control in buildings is very important as the damage likely to be caused by the termites is huge. Wood is one of the cellulosic materials that termites damage, with cellulose forming their basic nutrient. They also damage materials of organic origin with a cellulosic base, and household articles like furniture, furnishings, clothing, stationery, etc. Termites are also known to damage non-cellulosic substances in their search for food. Rubber, leather, plastics, neoprene as well and lead coating used for covering underground cables are damaged by termites. The widespread damage by termites and the high constructional cost of buildings have necessitated evolving suitable measures for preventing access of termites to buildings. On the basis of their habitat, termites are divided into two types, namely (a) Subterranean or ground nesting termites, and (b) Subterranean or wood nesting termites having no contact with soil. Subterranean termites are most destructive and are mainly responsible for the damage caused in buildings. Typically, they form nests or colonies underground in the soil, near ground level in a stump or in another suitable piece of timber, and some species may construct a conical or dome-shaped mound. These colonies may persist for many years and, as they mature, contain a population running into millions.

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