We offer numerous types of solar power systems that cater to both residential and commercial sectors


Grid-Tied Solar System

Also referred to as “On-Grid Systems,” these operate in parallel with the grid. Excess energy produced by the system is fed back to the grid through net metering with resultant savings of up to 90% for the consumer. There is no battery backup, so the system will operate only when the electric grid supply is available.

Off-Grid Solar Systems

Off-Grid Solar Systems is tailored for locations isolated from the grid, such as in remote areas. Apart from Solar PV generation during the daytime, there is complete dependence on a battery backup system for electric supply during non-sunlight hours.

Hybrid Solar Systems

The Hybrid solar system consists of a “Hybrid Solar Inverter” along with a battery pack and a battery management system. Thus, you enjoy the benefit of energy savings while also availing the benefit of an alternate power source in case of a grid outage and non-sunlight hours.